A Pediatric Chiropractic Can Provide Vital Spinal Development Checks
Just as parents take their children to the dentist for regular check-ups, so should parents bring their children to pediatric chiropractors to have a spinal development check. Many spinal problems seen in adults begin in childhood. Proper spinal hygiene is an important key to better health. Regular chiropractic checkups are especially beneficial as head support and natural spinal curves are established. The birth process can stress a still-developing spine. The resulting irritation to the nervous system can be the cause of many newborn health complaints. Colic, unexplained crying, ear infections, chronic colds, poor appetite, breathing problems, and allergic reactions can often be traced to nervous system dysfunction caused by a malfunctioning spine. Head support, followed by crawling, and a baby’s first few steps should be followed by chiropractic checkups. If neglected, the bumps and falls during this period of rapid growth may lead to serious spinal deformities later in life. This can set the stage for scoliosis, “growing pains,” and a weakened immune system response. Chiropractic adjusting techniques are modified to fit a child’s size, weight, and unique spinal problem. Children enjoy their adjustments. Parents often report that their children seem healthier than other kids their age. Dr. Langford’s gentle method of chiropractic adjustment using the Activator adjusting tool is great for kids. It’s completely painless, and there are no scary “popping” sounds commonly associated with manual adjustments.